Our pedigree

We invented automated testing more than 20 years ago, and through ongoing development and continuous improvement, we now have the most mature and thorough interrogation engine available in the market today. Uniquely, our technology mimics (as close as is possible) an individual interacting with a webpage via a browser. Simply put, our technology does more tests and finds more failures.

20+ years Automated Testing

Data points


Mimics Human
Webpage Interaction

Over the years we have built an unrivalled dataset - with 3.7 trillion data points and 800 million images, allowing our Al capability to suggest accessibility fixes with a higher degree of accuracy and reducing the time it takes to make updates to the page. Our years of experience and research enable us to identify the root causes of failure when it comes to making websites accessible and ACM has been developed to address the sinale biaaest issue. i.e… content failure. ACM allows anyone and evervone to address the things that matter most, that make the most difference, whilst reducing 95% of the costs and timescales.

Our global reach

world map with circles highlighting certain locations.

We serve both public and private sector clients worldwide, time zone and language are not an issue. Most customers require little or no support due to the intutive interfaces and high quality we provide. Our service is secure, intuitive, reliable and robust - we have already audited some 23 billion website addresses, our system has 99.93% availability over 10 years, and we have a throughput of some 5.5m checks daily. We deliver training as standard and provide extensive FAQs, few clients ultimately need to reach out for help once the service is fully set up. Indeed, 93% of the support that we provide is not product related but is educational and focuses on how to maximize the value delivered by our service - and that's something we're very happy to help with.

Our partners

  • Government of Jersey
  • The Viscardi Center
  • AAAtrack
  • Wilson Elser
  • RWS
  • Gallagher
  • Sitemorse